Proven Search Engine Optimization

Adding Authorship Tagging and Images Requires Proper Markup

Google has long supported the ability for authors to add authorship tagging to web pages to aid in author recognition and add interest to your search results.  Unfortunately, website managers do not always use this feature to its full ability. Only one out of five results have an authorship image.  How can you ensure that you are part of this twenty percent?

David Harry has published his findings on the significance of markup in author recognition.  He found that even though some of the pages were not using proper markup techniques, they were still being shown with authorship images.  How can this happen?

If you want the answer to this and many other questions about how to make your website noticeable, talk to the experts at Orange County SEO.  You can find answers to your tough questions on search engine optimization and other critical issues that stand in the way of your website’s rise to the top.

What Is the Problem With Authorship Images?

Since only nine percent of tech blogs properly implement meta data associated with authorship tagging, Google assumes that it will have to take additional steps to make search results richer with author images and tags.  To this end, Google often recognizes authorship through Google+ membership or other features that utilize author profiles.  In this way, Google ensures that authors get noticed even if their markup language is faulty, as it is in the majority of the cases observed.

However, this does not excuse a good webmaster from using the correct markup to ensure that his or her clients are noticed.  By using proper markup, you guarantee that Google will notice your tags and utilize your author information.  It just makes sense to do it right rather than relying on the probability that Google will pick up on your Google+ or other information to confer this benefit.

There is also the chance that Google will not be patient with webmasters forever.  As more people realize the significance of markup and use it properly, it is likely that Google will stop the backward logic that it is using to assist those who refuse to learn—much like the situation that has developed since Google got strict about SEO policies.  Since the advent of new algorithms, many web pages that formerly skated by on the rankings are now plunging to the bottom.

How Can I Use Proper Markup To Guarantee Author Tagging?

The Definitive Guide To Google Authorship Markup can help webmasters use the right markup to meet Google’s standards.  Studying this guide and changing your clients’ markup can be the difference in getting him or her noticed.

Orange County SEO can help you with all aspects of website design and development, including your markup issues.  If you want your web pages to be compliant with Google’s search standards, talk to the experts at Orange County SEO about your web page’s setup.  They will help you fix any problems and optimize your web pages for maximum exposure.

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