Orange County SEO™ Blog

Your Infographics Can Still Count

Earlier this week, Matt Cutts talked about devaluing infographics. This is not surprising given Google’s stance on content and link issues.  However, the statement set the world abuzz with speculation.  We all know that spam analysis is not an exact science, so many are hoping Google will be unable to carry out its threat.

This is probably a vain hope.  If your infographics are used to link to wonky sites, be prepared for Google to devalue you.  However, this does not mean that you should toss infographics away altogether.  You can still use them if you are careful to ensure that they are being used for the right purposes. Read More »

United States Senate Asks for Help From Web Communities

The US Senate Committee on Commerce, Science & Transportation has asked major United States search engine operators to examine how moving services are using search results to try “bait-and-switch” tactics on potential victims.

The committee found that customers who use search engines to locate moving companies are often subjected to the same tactics:  they are confronted with “soundalikes” for reputable moving companies that are actually brokerage firms that charge exorbitant fees to set up the move.  Unaware and trusting the search results, many victims have been pulled in and charged hundreds or thousands of dollars more than necessary by these unscrupulous companies.

The Senate involved the search engine providers because these companies seemed to appear at the top of all search engines with alarming regularity, leading to the conclusion that the companies had found a way around the natural safeguards that existed to prevent spam and disreputable vendors from exploiting the search engines. Read More »

Will Google Give Your Website An A+?

It is not impossible to find out what Google’s guidelines are for human web page rating as opposed to algorithmic rating–in fact, you can read their manual if you want to know the facts.  However, it helps to break these ideas down to help you understand them.

Google has a history of following relatively predictable guidelines when it comes to SEO rankings.  The content of your website is still the strongest factor in your Google ranking.  After all, content is what drives readers to your website–and keeps them there. Read More »

Understanding Google Indexing

Google seems eerily good at understanding language these days, but it is not because the search engine is growing a brain.  Semantic searches have become ever-more sophisticated, and Google is “learning” how language is put together.  Understanding how semantics affects Google’s search capacities is something that will benefit you as you construct search query terms and decide on keywords.

Our SEO firm in Orange County can help you market your website and your company more effectively with strategic search engine optimization.  Talk to us about your SEO needs and find out how we can help you build better links. Read More »

TOFU Marketing Campaigns

With updates like Panda and Penguin, search engine algorithms are entering a new era.  Link building is still important, but the shift in focus to high-quality content has many webmasters scratching their heads.  What used to seem so simple is now a complex arrangement of marketing strategies and few people seem to have simple answers as to how marketers should respond.

Using internal links in your blog posts and web sites is still good marketing strategy, but Google is coming down hard on what it sees as junk–in both links and website content.  Some of the practices that have existed for a decade are now off-limits, such as reclaiming content from archaic sites and using existing links to pull traffic to your page.  In order to be considered relevant and high-quality by Google, web sites must contain fresh, timely, and original content.

Content marketing is about more than just posting links. It is about sharing valuable content with potential clients, customers, and followers.  If you are investing in professional content marketing, your Orange County SEO company should be focusing on goal-driven campaigns that incorporate links as only one part of your strategy. Read More »

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