Orange County SEO™ Blog
Trending Keywords: One Key to Success
It is difficult, but not impossible, to do some predictive work on trending keywords. One crucial task is to predict keyword volume, which, according to SEOMoz, you can do before the data appears in AdWords (PPC), Bing, or any other search engine. Predictive keyword research is an advanced technique, so it pays to learn the tricks of the trade if you want to utilize this technique successfully.
Trending keywords are important for two reasons. First, internet searches are event-driven; when something happens, there will be an upsurge in interest about that topic. This can produce large volume for content marketers. Second, unless you are in the news business, chances are your competitors have not begun to predict what will be trending, so you will have an edge with your marketing and advertising.
Here are a few tips to get you started on your quest to predict keyword volume and popularity.
- Stay on top of things. Read the latest information in your field on a daily basis. You cannot predict if you do not know what is currently trending. Look for interesting facts, figures, or information that comes out of that reading. What sparks your interest? Chances are, other people will be interested, too.
- Check out Q&A sites. There are sites specifically devoted to Q&A such as Quora and Formspring. These sites will tell you what people are currently asking about. Look for trends and opportunities that seem to repeat themselves, especially over a wide audience.
- Decide if you are a “longtailer” or a “fat header.” “Longtail” refers to a high volume of search terms, “fat head” to a few well-chosen ones. Both strategies have legitimate rationales, but it is important for you to decide which is most appropriate for your audience. Will your customers be looking for one or two specific phrases, or are there a variety of phrases they might use? Tailor your keywords to these facts.
- Write relevant content. No matter how good your keywords, poor content will not generate traffic. Be sure your content is relevant to both topic and audience.
- Publish and promote your content. This is not an event, it is a process. Check constantly for feedback on your performance, and analyze what is working and what is not. Do not be afraid to change things if they do not give you the results you want. Continue to monitor Q&A sites to see what people are talking about. Sometimes predictions on keyword volume sink out of sight without coming to fruition. This is not a failure but an occupational hazard. Pick something else and move on.
By following the basics of keyword optimization, you will generate traffic on your website over time. Orange County SEO has learned that learning to predict keyword strategies is a skill that takes time to master, but it can give you a keen competitive edge in a very crowded marketplace and make your website stand out from the crowd consistently—and that translates into a growing body of loyal users.
The Role of Search Marketers in Sales
As a search marketer, you may not have thought about how much control you have over various aspects of your company’s marketing strategy. Practically, however, you are in the driver’s seat. You sell your creativity through your use of strategies with one goal in mind—to get more customers into the fold. The better you are at this, the more credibility you have as a search marketer. However, you cannot force customers to buy any more than you can force people to read your ads.
Instead, you persuade readers to buy based on the strategies you choose. You hand off the customer to sales people who receive your product–a customer primed to buy based on what you have shown them.
Understanding your role in the entire sales process is key to doing your job well and having a ROI that stands up to scrutiny. Read More »
The Fancy Is The Newest “Hot Spot”
With a name like The Fancy, the more masculine among us may dismiss this newest hotspot as a “girly” site. However, it is becoming the latest in a series of amalgamation websites to combine the best of some popular and climbing web interest sites—Pinterest, Love with Food, Groupon, and a host of others. Best of all, the Fancy combines the best of these sites with a new and easy-to-use look that will draw buyers in and give higher conversion rates than the same bland and boring sites we have come to expect.
comScore’s article on the Fancy focuses on conversion from social media. Likes are all well and good, but what happens when your likes do not translate into sales? The Fancy can help you change that by providing that all-elusive marketing gold—a sales opportunity. If your customers are buying, you are making money, and the Fancy proposes to give them every opportunity to do just that.
Orange County SEO can help you keep up with the latest trends in social media marketing and management by giving you up-to-the minute opportunities to grow your company through strategic marketing. Read More »
Speed Up Your Website With These Tips
With tips from YouMoz, webmasters can make their websites faster and more streamlined. Check out these tips and learn how you can speed things up on your website easily and quickly.
Orange County SEO can give you professional advice on how to speed up your website and on many other aspects of website management. We do this by focusing on the basic issues of website design and development and assist our clients with creating the best possible websites.
There is nothing more dismaying than long page load times. Users simply will not wait; they will move on to another website. If you want your users to stay on your webpage, you have to have reasonable load times—it is that simple.
So how can you increase your traffic and decrease your load times? It all starts with your server. Here are some tips about how to choose the right hosting for your website.
- Leverage browser caching. When a browser reads every resource as new every time, it takes a long time to load, especially for images and other large files. On the other hand, if your website stores information in a user’s browser, your website reloads faster on the next visit. You can control this by using expire headers as described here.
- Use keep-alive signals. A keep-alive signal is a neat little trick to avoid downed links. These signals are usually disabled by your hosting provider; tell them you want it enabled. When a signal is sent in the future, if no reply is received, your browser will assume the link is down and future traffic will be routed through another path.
- Utilize gzip compression. You can add commands to your files that will cause you to default to gzip, a much faster option than traditional loading choices. Just add the following to your .htaccess file:
# compress text, html, javascript, css, xml:
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/plain
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/xml
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/css
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/xml
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/xhtml+xml
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/rss+xml
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/javascript
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-javascript
# Or, compress certain file types by extension:
<files *.html>
SetOutputFilter DEFLATE
Or, use the following at the top of your HTML/PHP file:
<?php if (substr_count($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'], ‘gzip’)) ob_start(“ob_gzhandler”); else ob_start(); ?>
You can also use the WP HTTP Compression plugin for WordPress.
- Use a 302 redirect to speed up landing pages for mobile users. Mobile page directs often send users to a different URL, so using a 302 redirect with a cache limit of one day means that visitors who return to the mobile site will not have to wait for a reload each time.
- Use a CDN. CDN stands for a content delivery network, which is a collection of servers that work together to send content to users. Typically, network proximity is the measure used to select networks for any given task, although other metrics can be used. Here is a comparison of CDN hosting with traditional hosting. Two major CDN hosts are Amazon CloudFront and MAXCDN. You may want to investigate the tools available for WordPress using W3 Total Cache as well.
Website Content
You can only control servers to a certain extent, but you have complete control over your website’s content. Are you doing everything you can on your side to speed up how your viewers can access your site? Find out by reading on:
- Minimize redirects. In order to indicate a new URL location, follow clicks, or connect web site areas, you may find that you need a redirect. However, every time you redirect, you are slowing things down for the user. Here are some tips for minimizing redirects, straight from Google.
- Never reference URLs known to redirect. Instead, find a way to update on a regular basis.
- Never use redirects that require more than one page transfer.
- Never use multiple URLs; instead, force users to access you in only one place.
- Remove query strings. Caching a link with a “?” causes the link to behave as if you used Ctrl+F5. These should be used only for dynamic resources.
- Specify a character set in your HTTP headers. You can do this by adding a simple code in your headers:
<meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”text/html; charset=utf-8″>
Write it out in HTLM instead of PHP.
- Minify codes. Removing your HTML comments and CDATA sections, as well as whitespace and empty elements, makes your page size smaller. This is a simple fix to speed up load time. You can use online tools such as Will Peavy minifier or Autoptimize for WordPress to save space.
- Avoid bad requests. Broken links waste resources. Fix them using an online broken link checker or WordPress link checker. Read about Xenu Link Sleuth and Screaming Frog tools at SEOmoz for more information.
- Use a consistent URL. Google’s recommendation for this task includes directions to ensure that each reference to the same source uses identical URLs.
- Reduce DNS lookups. DNS lookups take lots of time looking up IP addresses and freeze your browser, so reducing the number of hostnames can speed things up. You can measure your own DNS lookup time with Pingdom Tools. You can also collate your images through “spriting” with SpriteMe.
- Specify image dimensions. Use height and width specification to render images quickly instead of using “on the fly” scalers. Optimize your images. If your images contain comments or extra colors, they will take longer to load. Keep image sizes at a minimum by saving in JPEG. Try Yahoo! or WP plugin for WordPress users.
- Put your CSS at the top, JS at the bottom. The document head should contain your stylesheet to stop progressive rendering, and the bottom should have your javascript. This is a great way to speed up page loading.
With some help from professional website developers like Orange County SEO you can optimize your page loads and make your customers happier!
Semantic Searches Take on New Dimension
A “semantic search” is a term that has been in use for some time, but today’s semantic searches have different implications for SEO managers and webmasters. This developing technology has a definite impact on targeted advertising, so it pays to brush up on your knowledge about the history and development of semantic technology as a part of your advertising strategy.
If you are interested in using semantic searches and other search engine optimization techniques, Orange County SEO can help with your goal. We can help you utilize the very latest in strategies to make your web pages more marketable. Read More »