How Search Engine Optimization Trumps Other Forms of Outreach

Remember how once upon a time you might have a question, but you’d just have to wait and remember that question when you were near the shelf of encyclopedias, or a good friend whose brain seemed to resemble a set of encyclopedias? We are no longer in the past, search engines are now how people get their information. Want to know the name of that band or a recipe for apple brown betty? You can have that answer in 1.5 seconds, and it’s scarily wonderful.

With the development of such extremely effortless facts and figures at our fingertips at any given moment, anything other marketing besides search engine optimization for your business look like dinosaur bones floating in gloppy ancient tar. To survive in the modern marketplace, a web presence is a given, so you have one of those, great. But what happens when you ignore the tips and tricks that you could use to take you to greatness? You’re stuck with the same old chestnut methods from the last 100 years of advertising.

Putting Ads on Television – Digital Video Recorders (DVRs) have killed the commercial as we know it, and the average viewer, 90% of the time, is just going to fast-forward anything that gets in the way of their shows.

Billboards – You might as well throw your money in the air and hit it with a flame thrower! Billboards cost a lot of money, you can’t control who is going to see it or why, and there are so many that most consumers have started to block them out as background noise.

Radio – The golden age of radio was great when people were listening at home and not in their cars, where ads are missed and dismissed with regularity. Even if you do advertise on the radio, your audience is hard to target and it’s unlikely they’ll be able to remember the contact info they’re given.

Magazines – Again, who doesn’t like a glossy magazine ad? They’re great, but they only come out once a month, and there are thousands of different magazines out there, you can’t afford to be in all of them.

Wouldn’t you rather use a method of outreach that could contact thousands of prospective customers in less time than it takes to cut a sandwich in half? Now that you’ve seen what not to do, come find out how Orange County SEO will lead you and your business to reach not just neighborhoods, but amazingly large audiences.

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